Mooring Systems
Design and Analysis of deep water ocean moorings, shallow water wave / wind energy moorings, and river moorings.
MMC has analyzed many systems ranging from open-ocean deep water moorings for support barges in the Brazilian oil fields, to shallow water moorings in the extreme waters of the Arctic Ocean. Mooring projects include calculations of:
- Anchor uplift and range of laid lengths in catenary systems
- Tensions distributed along mooring lines from anchors to fairleads
- Contributors to fatigue life including corrosion, abrasion and extreme loads (snap loads)

Mooring system for floating offshore wind turbine

Custom mooring component
MMC can specify, qualify, and recommend sources for:
- Mooring chain of various grades
- Synthetic rope (nylon, HMPE, polyester)
- Mooring jewelry (shackles, terminations)
- Anchors (drag embedment, gravity, helical)
Our staff can design and analyze a complete mooring system for your application, selecting the best, most economical components.
By using our knowledge and understanding of meteorological, metocean and bathymetric data, MMC can help you to create the best mooring system for your application. We can predict:
- Maximum excursion of your vessel (watchcircle) from its nominal position
- Maximum peak roll, pitch and yaw
- Peak loads on the mooring lines
- Fatigue loads on the mooring lines

Dredging barge with mooring system